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About Us

Loving greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. A hearty welcome to the official website of Morth Smooni Jacobite Syriac Orthodox Church Ghala Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. Morth Smooni Jacobite Syriac Orthodox parish, Muscat in Oman was established in the year 2012. We are blessed to construct a church of own. Initially started with a small number of families. By the grace of God we are flourished with 180 active parish members and well-wishers.

Thirasheela Open


The St Mary’s Jacobite Church in Muscat is the place of worship that Jacobite Christians have used for prayer for several decades. However, it was only Jacobite believers that lacked a place of worship in Ghala. In 2006, under the guidance and leadership of the vicar of Ruwi church, Fr. Samson Varghese, the church approached the Ghala PCO (Protestant Church Oman) and discussed the possibility of worship in Ghala.

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